Unit 2 Mallard Industrial Park, Charles Street, Horbury, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 5FH
25,135 sq ft (2,335.04 sq m)
To Let - Price on application, For Sale - £1,575,000 exclusive
Modern Engineering Workshop 25,135 sqft
Gantry Craneage
Service Yards and Car Parking
7.5m Eaves Height
Modern engineering premises substantially refurbished in the early 2000's. The premises are constructed with a steel structural frame with brick and block work and insulated metal profile cladding. The property is heated by way of Ambirad gas space heaters and the property has the benefit of gantry cranage with 1 no 10 tonne SWL crane and 3 no 2.5 tonne SWL crane. To the front of the building is a concrete service yard with loading access via an electric operated metal roller shutter door and a further loading door located in the rear. Extensive parking is available in the main car park with additional parking and external storage land located to the rear.
Description | Sq Ft | Sq M |
Ground Floor: Workshop, Reception, Works Office and Staff Welfare Facilities | 2241.95 | 24132 |
First Floor Offices | 1003 | 93.18 |
Total | 3,244.95 | 24,225.18 |
The property is available freehold with vacant possession or alternatively, the seller would consider a lease on full repairing and insuring terms for a term to be agreed.
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